The new man in my life…

without ditching the regular…the real guy’s staying…he is good and reliable…always there when I need him…what else would I want?…


The new man is none other that Mark Sisson…the man behind Primal Living in the modern world…he makes a lot of sense and explains the whole anti-carb theory coherently and introduces you to a healthy lifestyle…anyways read it if you are looking for a healthier, fitter and happier body…

With his help I have given up Cola addiction…switched to black tea…exercised less but gotten better results…lost kilos…gained leaner muscles…learnt about the benefits of the sun and even put myself on some vitamins…

The argument pro-vitamins has never convinced me. I always thought it was pure marketing but after reading what Mark Sisson and other research had to say I have decided to go for Omega 3 and Probiotic tablets.

I’m still reading his book and gaining lots from it…the website is pretty cool too and you can subscribe and get daily emails covering all aspects of your health and health related articles.

I also have to share this with you….a TEDMED talk by a remarkable doctor…he talks about the obesity crisis and more…I urge you to watch it…

Salaams y hasta la vista,


Another weight loss and….



…another 400g down…and according to my kindle app 400g is my weekly average and I’m happy with that…getting healthy is not a sprint but a marathon…a lifestyle change is what I’m regarding it like…so slowly but surely does me fine…


pirate party

A pirate party for the children….lots to celebrate and a farewell to Mimi and baby T, two sweet little kids going back home to Ireland…Sister M’s big achievement, her first proper 5 km obstacle race…she came in the first 20 out of almost 200…we are all so proud of her…not only has she lost over 45 kg in the last two years but she is also sharing what she has learnt and achieved with others…Boy M’s achievement…he won a prize for qu’ran recitation at his school and he delighted us with a very looooong surah….MASH’ALLAH

We ate sinking boats and pirate cakes, we played charades and run around, we drank and laughed…a great weekend all round…

Alhamdulilah for good friends….

Salaam y hasta la vista,


I’m not creative…

but every now and again I get inspired and allow myself to have a go which isn’t a small thing considering my art background.

I was educated by nuns and priests…a convent school in a rural area…The nuns had a very negative approach to art. It was almost a waste of time unless it was practical or meant to decorate a church…so you were either a Michael Angelo or a dressmaker, nothing in between.

Whenever we did art it was very very and I mean very prescribed. Thinking out of the box was considered being revelious or you thought to highly of yourself and you were as good as ready for confession for a capital sin…not joking…

Anyways, getting to the point of this post, I am not the most creative person but I do like to copy other words I am not the pattern maker but the buyer, I am not the type to make anything without close instructions but rather needs step by step precise sequenced ….and I’m at a point in my life where I don’t care anymore about not being creative…instead I’m having fun experimenting with various forms of art and loving it…

I hope you are not now expecting some out of this world paintings or anything of that sort…nah. not me ..not in a million years…we are talking washi tape here…and one day I got inspired by someone much more artistic than me and this is what I created..


oh the possibliities...
oh the possibliities…

my humble stash...

Have you used washi tape in any of your creations? Wanna share? And because I know you are want to copy me I need to tell you that the green rolls are from Ikea…good price and in many colour schems..the others are from hobby craft, more expensive but better quality in my opinion…  Salaams y hasta la vista,Ines

The 5 Ps…

Pocket money and Potty training…

When I was at uni training to be a teacher the 5 Ps, Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance became our mantra or at least that was the intention of our lecturers.

I found it a bit irritating to begin with but I could see where they were coming from. The bit I was most unhappy about was the hours I had to slave away to show lesson plans on paper format, my Sunday evenings were ruined. I always maintained that I never looked back on them once I had handed them over to the subject coordinators …never used my own copy  during lessons…

With time I became a better teacher, almost a natural and I began to see the benefits of the 5 P’s ….if I didn’t deliver the best lesson, if I didn’t take every single one of my pupils’ abilities into account, if I didn’t have plan B just in case,if I didn’t plan extension exercises, if the resources were not ready…and so many more ifs ,it was a wasted hour for at least one if not more of the kids in my class.

I still hated having to write it all down but with practice comes what we call ‘naturality’…and after a couple of years I didn’t have to put every single detail on the planning sheet but I just had to be ready and make sure it was all there , in the head…

I adopted a new mantra that a headteacher passed on to me…’you may have another chance at that lesson but your class hasn’t , you move on and they are stuck until next term or even year….’

So , fast forward a few years, I’m not a teacher anymore but I apply the 5 P’s to other areas of my life….I hear some of you saying ‘what happened to spontaneity and flexibility and learning from the environment?’…. Well, let me tell you something…nothing wrong with any of them…nothing wrong with doing it your own way but I bet you anything that you plan even without realizing….your shopping list is planning to ensure you have everything you need to produce a lovely meal for your lovely family…your trips to the library are planned ahead…..Icould go on and on but I know you get me…

Pocket money…this I did not plan 🙂 but we all know that Allah is the best of planners …one day last week I got a call from a sister asking me if I could tutor her child…cut a long story short, he needs help and I’m going to get paid…pocket money to buy wool, fabrics and all other nice treats…and of course I are planing his lessons so that he benefits and learning is targeted, precise and intentional…after all accidental learing is very rear when it comes to punctuation or trigonometry…not that I’m teaching the latter!!!!!

Potty training I’ve been planning for a while and as I write this she is sitting on it having a laugh…it’s gonna be fun when my pupil comes later and finds baby sitting on the potty in front of the telly 🙂


Remind me again…what do we do when they manage a pee in the potty? Do you reward with sweets, stickers? Or do you do the happy dance around the potty?

Salaams y hasta la vista,


P.S pls ignore the dirt underneath the radiator, I only saw if when adding pic to this post…:(


Weighing day…and I’m happy with this week’s loss and overall progress…my body is starting to change and I’m adjusting to peeps comments, it feels good but I’m always scared of going back to where I started…you see, I’ve been here before…and how is this time different? I really don’t know but what I do know is that shedding the extra weight is the easy part but maintaining is the hard bit. So I’m taking it one day at a time and sharing my journey with you …trust me it helps…and my friend M helps too …she is on the same journey…one day I’ve got to write about sister M, she has lost over 40 kg mash’Allah and she is running a marathon on Saturday Insh’Allah…she is truly inspiring and the best buddy ever…but for now let me share this weeks loss…


Have a healthy week,


Liebster Award…

I was nominated by the crazy teenager that makes me laugh on fb…she is something else I tell you…

The Liebster Blog Award is an award given by bloggers to up and coming bloggers, most of whom have less  than 200 followers (or have been blogging for less than 6 months). It is to show newer bloggers that they are appreciated, and to help spread the word about new blogs. It was created to promote appreciation and recognition among the blog world. Liebster translates to “dearest” (or favorite/best) in German. It is also known as the Love Blog Award.”

Anyways …now I have to answer some questions and then nominate some more…so here we go…

1. Who is your idol?

mmmmm…. I don’t think I have any….I’ll come back to this one…contemporary….nah…can’t think of any…sorry….

2. What is your life long dream?

To live simply in my own little farm type house in Algeria…growing my own food,chickens…the lot….insh’Allah one day soon

3. What is the one thing you’ve never done but always wanted to do?

Be an actress…a la ‘Sophia Loren’…

4. What is your favourite book and movie?

I hate this question…impossible to answer….but I’ll tell you something bookish…dd14 bought me Inferno last weekend and I bought myself ‘Black swan’ in DVD…haven’t watched it yet though…

5. Who is your favourite kid? Lol, just kidding.

A combination of all four…dd2’s innocence and dependency on my, dd12’s sense of humour and creativity in the kitchen, dd14’s style and coolness and dd17’s brains and non dependency on me

6. What jobs do you have/have you had?

private tutoring, door to door book selling, video shop sales assistant, dinner lady, teacher assistant, teacher and all the jobs that come with being a yummy mummy

7. What’s your favourite meal?

Anything cooked by my mama

8. What do you like most about yourself?


9. What do you hate most about yourself?

Everything…you know the thing about the law of relativity…

10. If you could change one thing about you or your life, what would it be?

Nothing…I’m at that lovely age when you know that everything happens for a reason and you embrace it all

11. Overall, are you happy with yourself and your way of life?

Yes…I don’t believe in happiness as a state of mind…it’s all about being content with what Allah has dealt you with…ALHAMDULILAH SHUKRALLAH

Thank you crazy girls for this opportunity to self analyse myself…

Salaams y hasta la vista,


Wa tiini wa zaitun…


See that beauty on the left? The cuty olive tree? I’ve got amazing friends and one of them got me the olive tree as a gift…Did I mention that last week it was my 42nd bday? No? Well, not big a deal anymore…not that I mind getting old but the whole celebrating bdays isn’t our thing…but anyways this lovely sister whom I’ve known since before times began,let’s say for a long time knows how much I love plants and she came round yesterday with my latest addition to the garden. It is going to be placed right next to the fig tree. What do you think?

I really have to stop getting any more plants…There’s simply not enough room in our tiny garden anymore. Even the front little garden is full to the bream.

And talking about olives and figs and other edible plants…I want to share with you home educator buddies a little or even big project (depending how deep or far you want to take it)with you guys. I have done it myself a couple of times with Yr 3 classes. The topic is simply called ‘Food in the Qur’an’. You can do soooo much …the following are just suggestions

  • naming the foods in English and Arabic or any other language you may be learning at home
  • medicinal properties
  • where in the world do we find them
  • painting them, drawing, sticking glueing
  • cooking
  • blindfold tasting
  • learn the ayahs they are mentioned in

I think it’s a lovely holiday/Ramadan activity. I’m going to be doing it with dd2 but concentrating on the arty aspect of it.

Salaams y hasta la vista,
