In my tiny urban garden…

we have seen the last of the beans…in fact the whole area has been cleared and next I will be using that raised bed for strawberries…no more vegetables in our back garden anymore…we will be using the allotment for vegetables and the home garden for flowers, berries and a beautiful herb garden….thinking purple basil,fresh mint, coriander…Jamie Oliver here I come….lol


Tomatoes later than never but making progress….the first chilli has made an appearance too…and many more squashes insh’Allah….

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Tomorrow , it will be the time of the courgette area to be cleared and put to bed….meanwhile in the allotment plenty of new things are happening but that is a post for another day….:)

Salaams y hasta la vista,


Last week…

was one of those weeks where we did lots of things…so rather than writing different blog posts this is going to be one of those random ones…you know, the one for the sake of documenting for when I’m old and frail and I can look back….;)

In the little urban garden the butternut squashes are doing rather well…

see the little one hiding?
see the little one hiding?


We picked the first cobs of corn yesterday….delish…. simply boiled and some butter…


Dh and dd18 were busy at work on the allotment on Saturday whilst the rest of us partied…so what to show you first, the allotment or the henna designs? lol

PicMonkey Collage

As usual I had a blast…good company, good food, lots of catching up and the henna designs simply amazing, mash’Allah

Dh and dd18 reassured me that they had fun too and here is what they achieved ….




So, we now have four raised beds…the large one at the back of this pic already has a few veg sown in…hopefully I was not too late…anyways, carrots, swede, turnip and chard went in…insh’Allah

We have managed to half fill a small bed today…two car loads and still another million to go but we are enjoying it all…

Dd13 is going through another baking phase inspired by the ‘Great British bake off’…..we all enjoyed her first time eclairs…


and dd3 is learning to cut in straight lines…her concentration is admirable and laughable…bless her…



This past week we also celebrated dd18’s accpetance at the uni of her choice…omg…my baby is going to uni in October…mash’Allah…time does fly…subhan’Allah

I did warn you that it was going to be a random post and I don’t think they come any more random than this…

Salaams y hasta la vista,




In my tiny urban garden…

We are on a courgette break….used last three for last night’s iftar soup…beans are still doing very well…thinking of doing them in tomato sauce tonight…there’s so much bean salad a family can eat 😉

Aren’t these ugly strawberries just pretty? They would definitely no pass any supermarket beauty contest but something tells me they are going to taste a hundred times better insh’Allah….

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I’ve noticed the snails are doing quite a lot of damage and had to resort to pellets…….my first butternut squashes ever have made appearances too…but the tomatoes are the most awaited veg around here…

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Little one is getting ready for swimming school in September. Big sister has told her that she needs to be able to put her head in the water for some time….she is taking it very seriously….bless…..


Feeling very grateful for all the blessings….Alhamdulilah

Salaams y hasta la vista,
