Goverment tells us…

to staycate this summer and enjoy everything that London has to offer us…Not only are the Olympics being held in London but also the Queen’s Jubilee and The London Festival are to be added to the bag of fun things to do in what I call my city.
And my response to the Government is…”I’m only staying put because is Ramadan and there is no place like home during Ramadan. Otherwise I would be flying out of here without giving it a second thought.”

I could write a whole rant about why I’m opposing the games but I will spare you the torture.I could also rant about the whole not shaking hands with other athletes business… Haven’t you heard? Well, believe it or not the health department is strongly advising team GB not to shake hands with sportspeople arriving from other countries in case they catch a bug which could affect their performance…pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaase…I know STUPID…but what can I say? I’m almost speechless…Politicians should stick their noses elsewhere and let us do what we feel is best for us. Whatever next…

Anyways, I’m not one to rant here or share imperfections with you. I’m almost a yummy mummy as far as you are concerned right? LOL…well let me tell you that I’m not and to prove it…

Remember me showing off to you about my first breadmaking machine and how I was making a wonderful brioche blah blah blah…well it was a disaster. I nearly burnt the house down, the smoke got everywhere. As you can see there was too much dough and it spilled out and down the sides of the bread container and it burnt….BUT…believe it or not the brioche was edible and very yummy…only the bit that did not sit in the container was wasted, the rest was very nice indeed. The whole brioche disappeared in the blink of an eye…smothered in nutella of course 🙂

Next to come out of the bread machine…an ordinary wholemeal loaf…let’s hope is plain sailing.

Salaams y hasta la vista,


Thrifting 3…

and this babe here is our latest acquisition….


I’ve wanted one for quite a while and as soon as I saw it in the British Heart Foundation charity shop I had to have it. I paid only £20 for it and as you can see it is in very good condition, not a scrach or dent. The instructions or recipe books didn’t come with it but thanks to the wonderful mr google I have downloaded both and put both to good use too. The machine is hard at work while I’m busy elsewhere 🙂

First thing to come out of it, insh’Allah….a brioche…will tell you all about it in the very near future.

Next on the thrifting wish list…a yogurt maker, ice cream maker and a dutch oven.

I must admit that to begin with I was a bit sceptical about buying electrical goods from second hand shops but as the guy in the shop assured me all goods are tested and come with 6 months warranty. So, I can’t see why not. As long as they look clean and well looked after I’m willing to give them a go.

Salaams y hasta la vista,
