On the first day of Spring…


It must be Spring

Hush, Can you hear it?
The rustling in the grass,
Bringing you the welcome news
Winter’s day is past.
Soft, Can you feel it?
The warm caressing breeze,
Telling you the sticky buds
Are bursting on the trees.
Look, Can you see them?
The primrose in the lane,
Now you must believe it –
Spring is here again.

Don’t you just love the first signs of Spring? I do I do I do….Imagine my joy at spotting my first camellia Japonica this morning…..can’t wait to see the whole plant ‘alive’….

Wishing you all a peaceful and productive week,

Salaams y hasta la vista,



Things around here….

in pictures mainly……lots of growing ….cherry blossoms….lilies making an appearance ….hello magnolias, do hurry up, can’t wait to see your flowers……tomatoes, first runner bean shoots and second batch of broad beans….what a difference a week makes…subhan’Allah…

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It’s not all about growing around here…..did I tell you that this mama is back to sewing classes? No? Well , now you know…..Every Monday….my bag is ready….like the fabric combination? for a romper suit for little one….

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I’m a cheat……pizza ‘not from scratch’…….it tasted good though……I used Panini bread as a base but the sauce is my own…..the pesto isn’t……but I cut up all the veg……who cares?!

Wishing you all a week week……

Salaams y hasta la vista,


P.S …the base for the allotment shed is finally ready…perfectionists are kind of slow if you ask me…..so next on dh’s agenda, putting up the shed…..insh’Allah

It’s not official….

but I feel it in my bones and every cell of my body….Spring it’s definitely in the air….hibernation mode it’s over…that time of the year when there are more hours in the day to do more….time for more outdoors fun…..time to get the house ready to welcome Spring……move furniture round to make the goings and comings easier…time to tend to the outside of the house too….not in a rush just yet but slowly….insh’Allah

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Any ideas what to do with that fig tree? Prune it back to allow a thicker middle trunk to grow?

Salaams y hasta la vista,



New around here…


There are many verses in Quran that guide us to find out God’s signs in nature…..

He causes to grow for you thereby herbage, and the olives, and the palm trees, and the grapes, and of all the fruits; most surely there is a sign in this for a people who reflect

Chapter 16 Verse 11

I can never get enough of seeing new flowers in my garden…subhanaAllah

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and I know that the magnolias will make an appearance shortly too….just bare branches and one or two leaves for now but I know I will not be dissapointed when that first flower is there…subhana’Allah….nothing beats Spring and all the newness of it…mash’Allah


And this one is new…the plan is to cover the ugly wall and metal fence at the front…the climbing clematis should do the trick insh’Allah….


And a new corner in my garden…a place to sit and ponder…sit and read…sit and crochet…sit and get my daily dose of Vitamin D…..


Salaams y hasta la vista,


P.S….I forgot the other newbie here….say hello to Azalea…isn’t she a beauty? SubhanaAllah
