
I would have liked to keep them in the greenhouse a bit longer but as you can see they’ve started to flower and they simply need more room to grow……so we had to reach a compromise…plant them outside but cover them temporarily cause the weather is just so crazy……

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And the last pic, those small seedlings are globe artichokes……pretty pleased…Alhamdulilah

Salaams y hasta la vista,


and a grape vine too…

yesterday we added a grape vine to our fruit bearing plants collection….so we now have a big and a small cherry tree, two plum trees, a fig tree and plenty of soft fruit plants such as strawberries, blueberries and raspberries….

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if you are wondering what that bit of tube sticking out of the ground is, check out this video…the idea is to direct the roots deep down so as to not interfere with anything growing in the vicinity of the vine….we chose to plant it almost right next to the greenhouse so that it is protected against the elements as well as provide the plants inside the greenhouse some much needed shade in the hotter months…trust me , it gets really hot in there…dh will build the support system next weekend….

So, in a couple of years we should be enjoying some of our very own green seedless lakemont grapes…insh’Allah….

Wishing you all a peaceful and productive week…

Salaams y hasta la vista,






Just in case…

the potato experts at the allotment were busy this morning covering their potato patches with fleece…of course I had to go up to them and ask what and why, just in case I was missing a trick….it turns out the temperatures are going to plummet down drastically this weekend and they are not taking any chances with their potatoes….and neither am I for that matter….


Meanwhile, in the green house things are looking good….too good even…like I could do with planting out some of the courgettes and squashes but not sure it is warm enough for them…timing is everything I guess and I’m not very good at the waiting game….


Oh and one of the melon seeds has germinated!!!…… 1/6 :(……again, I think I should have waited a bit longer before sowing them…well they say gardening is not a precise science , more of a trial and error thing….lesson learnt……


Salaams y hasta la vista,


Greyhounds and Savoy…

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Looks like this year I might be growing ‘my own’ cabbages…you see, in the past I have failed big time and the cabbages I have grown have been seedlings gifted to me by Archie, a very experience allotmenteer….the majority of the allotment neighbours are ahead of me by at least 15 years and I don’t mind it one bit cause they are all so helpful …always happy to help but without interfering…they understand that we all do things differently….I am still finding my feet and trying out new things…Generally speaking I would say that I fall into the ‘no dig’ type of gardener…want to know more about it? Then, Charles Dowding is your man….

Salaams y hasta la vista,




another first timers on the plot this year…courtesy of Mary, one of the nicest ladies at the allotment….Mary is a true inspiration to me….she is 80 plus and still manages her plot with no help….so, she gave me a load of onions plus a mini tutorial on how to plant them…who knew you don’t cover them…just make a little hole and pop them in….


Also, look at what we have spotted this morning…first leaves coming though from the early potatoes we planted back at the end of last month….oh the excitement!!!


and on the topic of first timers….dd4 has been picking daisies for her first daisies’ chain… the simple things in life that bring us so much joy…don’t you agree?

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Salaams y hasta la vista,


Broad beans…

I would have liked to keep them in a bit longer but as you can see most of them are flowering and the roots were curling round themselves…timing is not my thing obviously…it is hard not to start sowing as soon as mid Feb arrives…hopefully they do well and if not, plenty more in the greenhouse waiting to be germinated…insh’Allah…

Salaams y hasta la vista,


A small cherry tree…


We’ve had a full size cherry tree for over 5 years and although it is quite stunning when it is blossoming and the green foliage is abundant , the truth is we have never eaten a cherry out of it….Five years ago I was not as experienced or well read as I am now and I did not know the first thing about tree pollination and all the rest…So, I guess the big cherry tree it is not the self fertile variety and so, I have bought the smaller patio variety….This one promises a good harvest from mid-July to August….we shall see…Insh’Allah and also I’m hoping it will help with the pollination business and as a result we will get cherries from the big one too…


I’ve planted it in a much bigger pot and given it plenty of homegrown compost….watch this space for a cherry pie recipe in the coming months…lol

Salaams y hasta la vista,


A visit to Kew Gardens

Yesterday, I spent a good part of the day at Kew Gardens with dh and little one….A much needed break from all the hard work on the allotment for him and a perfect day for me….well….here are so pics of what I had the pleasure to feast my eyes on…..

The fields…oh the fields….

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Who knew there were so many varieties of cacti…..

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I learnt that the pineapple belongs to the Bromeliad family….oh the vibrant…so intense…

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Water lilies….

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The wild flowers…..

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and last but not least….my favourites actually…the magnolia trees…so many of them…all different sizes, colours…..

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Subhan’Allah…..Glory be to God….

Salaams y hasta la vista,
