They’re in…

today was the perfect day to plant the garlic…the sun was shining and quite warm…also perfect kind of day for tidying up the beds and adding well rotted compost ….

Our first time planting garlic but we have read up enough to know that they are very hungry plants…so after tidying up a raised bed of weeds we have added plenty of compost and then planted them 8 inches apart…little one has done a very good job of placing them with the little tail up….now all we have to do is let the Winter do its job…just mind that weeds don’t take residence in that bed…


We have also cleared another  three beds and topped them up….slowly but surely….some harvesting has taken place too….our very last courgettes…gotta tidy up that bed next….and our very last melon….


Some of the pumpkins that were drying in the allotment’s shed are now at home….the pinterest hunt for best recipe has already commenced….can’t wait…


Plenty more tidying up in the days ahead…wishing you all a productive week with lots of rest too….

Salaams y hasta la vista,



Last day of September…


Not bad considering none of my own seeds made it….thanks to the kindness of another allotmenteer we have pumpkins this year…

The ones we have harvested are already drying out in the warmth of the shed…..


The tidying up of the raised beds is well underway…garlic going in this weekends…going to try green manure seeds this year…mustard seeds if I can get hold of them over the weekend….the last of the cucumbers growing inside…only one plant left…


Wishing you all a peaceful and productive weekend…

Salaams y hasta la vista,


What do you do when….

life gives you pumpkins? Spend a whole day in the kitchen, of course!!!!

PicMonkey Collage

that was hard work I tell you…..emptying out the pumpkins…washing the seeds…roasting the pumpkins and the seeds….pureeing the flesh….butter and salt for the seeds…bagging the puree to freeze….dd14 did the cupcakes….pumpkin cupcakes of course…delish of course…..and guess what? that was only one of them….I still have another three to do!!! not sure I want to puree them all….I’m thinking couscous tomorrow…I gave one to a dear friend today and another very dear friend is coming round tomorrow….hopefully she likes pumpkin….

Dd14 also baked an apple tart today…..she knows how to make her sisters and mama happy….


How was your weekend? Ours was quiet and productive….just the way I like them….

Salaams y hasta la vista,
