Some sewing and lots of sowing…

my itchy fingers couldn’t take it any more….the greenhouse is not finished and dh tells me another week or so but just in case I’ve started indoors…I was really hopping to avoid the whole mess of pots on every windowsill in the house…oh well….these things happen….

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Three varieties of tomatoes and cucumbers…and what do you think of the up cycled chilies propagator? Yes one of those pastry trays…..

On the sewing front some up cycling too….

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No great pics but you get the idea…from an old dress to pj’s for little one….

So yeah is going to be all go go go on the gardening front from now on so very little else I guess…..

Salaams y hasta la vista,


Seeds here, seeds there….

seeds everywhere….it’s the same routine everyday…as soon as baby is asleep and not a minute later, the two big ones open the garden door and start filling up whatever pots they they find out  there….the bit they like best is dropping the seed and covering it….bless them, such great help….I guess I’m the brains behind it all….today’s labour…..


I was thinking that we need a green house as much as we need a shed on the allotment…where am I supposed to put all this pots? I’m running out of windowsills….alhamdulilah…

Salaams y hasta la vista,



sowing, indoors just in case the weather does a turn again….can’t trust it just yet…so the house will be filled to the brim with little pots but we don’t mind….we quite like it actually…sunflowers to take to the plot, for Sharon’s bees….aubergines, first time…and pumpkins, first time too….tomatoes tomorrow insh’Allah…..

Dh built another three raised beds today…I’d say we have passed the halfway mark….internet shopping for fruit trees….thinking of plums as there are lots on the allotment…easy pollination and all that….also dh looking for a second hand shed….insh’Allah we will have one soon to store all our tools and muddy boots…


Dh also added some arches to one of the beds…they will support the butternut squashes and cucumbers….got the idea from the net….can’t wait to do it all over again next weekend….we are going to be busy bees for a while….Sundays at the allotment are fun, I tell you….so many interesting peeps to chat with… the atmosphere….alhamdulilah


How was your weekend? I hope you had a good productive one ….or a lazy battery recharging one……as long as it was good…

Salaams y hasta la vista,



On my windowsill….


Even the kitchen windowsill which is exclusively reserved for houseplants of the non-edible variety has had to accommodate some growing seedlings…hot peppers and runner beans

On my bedroom sill…

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Butternut squash…broccoli…cherry tomatoes …. And in the girls room a repeat….dd2 only wants one in hers….one to call ‘hers’….she swaps them almost daily….this morning I found this one….


She can not wait till planting time…neither can I, to be honest but the weather isn’t helping much…if the forecast is to be trusted , this weekend some outdoor gardening might take place at ours…insh’Allah….

Salaams y hasta la vista,




Runner beans and sweet corn…

operation ‘indoor sowing’ has started…but first manure had to be added to the raised beds…oh the aroma….thanks god is was ‘treated’ manure …lol…


today, I had a couple of helpers…dd18 did a grand job ….and it is not easy when little pest dd3 wants to do it ALL and HER WAY….of course…

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Tomorrow….tomatoes and courgettes…insh’Allah….

Salaams y hasta la vista,
