Perfect timing…

on the first day of Ramadan…this courgette made it in time for the very first shorba…

We are not very traditional when it comes to Ramadan’s food (does not need to be shorba and borek for the entire month) but we do start the month with them…


Not the prettiest courgette…could have done with a few more days…but I’m sure it will make a whole lot of difference to tonight’s shorba …perfect if you ask me

Wishing you a blessed month…

Salaams y hasta la vista,



In my tiny urban garden…

noticing lots of changes……just remembered last year’s courgettes soups in ramadan…shouldn’t be long…insh’Allah….




So I reckon courgettes and plenty of  beans on our table pretty soon ….the corn and broccoli will keep us waiting longer, we don’t mind…love seeing the different plants going through the different stages…subhan’Allah….

Salaams y hasta la vista,


My space…

it hasn’t got a proper name, at least not a name that we stick to…it has been referred to as the computer room, mum’s office, mum’s study….it is nothing but a hole, an under the stairs kind of hole but it is all MINE….and the kids know that …and dh knows that…right from the very beginning they all knew better than to disturb me when I was hiding working in my little tiny hole under the stairs…

With time it has evolved but the idea of it has remained…a place where mummy finds peace and quiet, a place where she can get inspiration, a place for writing, reading, blogging…..and lately a place for SEWING!!!

Now that the sewing machine is out a lot and it is starting to get on the way , the dining room table is not working for me or the rest of the family so some action has been taken………



Nothing Pinterest worth but my space and I love it…

Salaams y hasta la vista,


True to her word…

dd18 has started on the shed….it all begun with some left over paint, then I quickly realized I didn’t have enough and ordered some but by the time the paint arrived the mojo was gone…


And now we are debating what to do with the rest, continue in the same colour…some blue and white stripes?

I like how it matches and flows ….


Salaams y hasta la vista,


My daughter tells me….

that kimonos are trending right now…the latest fashion statement….she is almost 16, so she knows…trust me , she knows….so what to do but get in the car and drive her to the nearest fabric shops and find the right fabric with the right weight , the right flowers…not too big not too small not too bright not too dark not too OTT not too…you get the idea…we managed to get two different ones…dd18 wouldn’t mind one either….

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Best part? dead easy…..easy enough for dd16 to do it all by herself…dd18 too busy and wants mama to make it for her…very easy trust me…see for yourselves here  

There might be a proper reveal sometime this week….have to ask the girls…

Salaams y hasta la vista,


Thursdays are the new Fridays….

they start off with a play date….indoor play centre in the bad weather or park and picnic in the nicer weather…Thursdays are all about very active mornings to make sure little one is really really tired and ready for nap come 2:30 when I have to leave the house to go to my sewing lesson….she doesn’t always sleep but at least she is quiet watching cartoons and big sister can carry on with her studies……A levels are not joke…..

Today is not exception….we are meeting up with friends in the park and then I’m off to my class where I’m hoping to put some fabrics to good use….a party dress for little one for Eid , insh’Allah… of those pretty dresses with sash bow and all….something like this but using my own pattern…of course 😉  What do you think? Like the fabric?


Tomorrow Friday is the second day of my weekend…Crochet class gives it that extra something….I love long weekends…the only downer is that Mondays are even harder…maybe I should look into doing something fun every Monday….or maybe not….quiet days are necessary too…downtime is what makes busy days special or is it the other way round…either way I need both kind of days….

Wishing you all a great weekend….

Salaams y hast la vista,



Sewing matters…

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patterns galore….the book a present, it was on my amazon wish list and a dear friend got it for me….the vogue patterns a bargain….£5.99!!!! ….the girls have picked their dresses, what they want mama to make for them but there’s a problem….well not really a problem but yeah a problem….I haven’t got a clue about fabrics…..I’m trying my best to educate myself online and now I know my cottons from my pollycottons and poplin…..then there’s jersey, double knits and batiste??!! ….and when I go to the shops I always end up buying florals…I can not visualize for the life of me…..

So, I’m thinking to take the girls and the patterns with me next weekend and see if we have any luck and in the meantime I will carry on sewing for little one…she does not mind flowers on her dresses….lol…..

I will keep you updated…of course…

Salaams y hasta  la vista,



The highlight of the weekend for me has to be THE PICNIC DRESS!!!!!!!!!……little one loves it and I love it and her sisters love it and my dh loves it…so yeah we all love it….mash’Allah….what else could a sewing mama want?

The hexagons are undertaking the border treatment….on this project we are divided…some of us find the black too strong a contrast others think is great….what else could a crocheting mama want? Debate is good, right?

Yesterday, dd15 and I traveled by bus in the scorching heat, all the way to Picadilly Circus to spend a couple of hours browsing books at Waterstones….we both think that bookstores are the closest thing to heaven on earth……books everywhere, even at the tables in the cafe….what else could a reading mama want?

weekending picnic dress


Weekends have to be the best part of the week….don’t  you agree?

Salaams y hasta la vista,


P.S dd18 is painting the shed as soon as she’s finished her A Levels…………………………..


She shall go to ….

the ball….the zoo…cause her mama finished the dress just in time!!!!

I’m one proud mama….of course is not perfect but so perfect ….perfect for a first ‘real dress attempt’ if you know what I mean and little one simply loves it….she wants another one tomorrow….soon baby soon….I’m still quite slow because I have so much to learn in terms of techniques and skills but I can now tell that I’m gonna be a sewing mama…insh’Allah…..ok I better shut up now and show you it …..tadaaaaah……




What a perfect day….Alhamdulilah….wishing you all a good weekend….

Salaams y hasta la vista,
