In pots too….

every raised bed is full to the brim….every inch used for growing….in theory even the slugs should find moving about near impossible but little one has other ideas in mind….when I have my back turned she pinches a few seeds at a time and goes off to ‘experiment’….a few days later she calls me over to see her germinated beans or peas or sunflowers… matter how many times I tell here we have no more room she still keeps on experimenting and growing….so today we had to transplant a few peas from one of her pots on to a much bigger pot….


She is talking of asking Vanessa (the allotment manager) for her own plot….like being my helper is not enough because she wants to do things her way….so she now has taken over a corner that wasn’t being used much, only for storing dh’s building materials…..


She is happy for now but I don’t see it lasting…she has big plans this little 5 year old girl….on the walk back from the allotment we were discussing the possibility of a pond and some big bushes for the birds to hide in and have their babies in……

Salaams y hasta la vista,


Monday harvest…


I feel a little naughty…I know I should not harvest any rhubarb the first year after planting but I could not resist it….just three stalks….just enough for a crumble or a cobbler…

Some red chilies at long last….just enough for a jar of homemade chili sauce…just tomatoes, chilies and garlic…

Very pleased with our little harvest…. Alhamdulilah

Salaams y hasta la vista,


Another newbie…

I get such a kick from growing something for the first time….I wasn’t too sure about the fennel seeds….I sowed them straight in the ground, next to the peas…can’t remember when…I forgot all about them and then a couple of days ago I noticed something different….almost pulled them thinking they were weeds….so here they are….



I love fennel in my salad…I love roasted fennel with fish….I love fennel period…

Salaams y hasta la vista,


Potting up strawberry runners….

a.k.a getting free strawberry plants!!!!  and it is so simple… is a very good tutorial on how to do it….

PicMonkey Collage

Hopefully after a week or so I will have five new strawberry plants, insh’Allah….the problem will be where to plant them…as you can see my strawberries bed is packed and I don’t fancy the idea of taking them to the allotment…I like my soft fruit plants in my back garden where I can pick them and add them to my yogurt or cereals instantly…oh well we shall see….

Wishing you all a very productive and peaceful weekend…

Salaams y hasta la vista,


Any time now… a few days , we will harvest the peas and the podding will be done almost intermediately and the cooking soon after….it does not come any fresher and the taste is like no other…..I’m thinking I should sow some more for freezing…


some of the artichokes are going to be ready for picking pretty soon too….I love love love artichokes….I’m thinking pizzas, salads, added to stews….oh the possibilities…


I haven’t got a pic of the broad beans that are almost there too but I’m thinking as I’m writing here that I could do a simple artichokes, peas and broad beans warm salad….better stop I’m salivating …..

Salaams y hasta la vista,


Shades of red…

seven chili plants….hundreds of chilies growing yet only one of them showing signs of turning red…nothing wrong with green chilies but I like mine red, that’s all….mind you the green chilies in my pizza last night were very fiery and tasty…still I want mine red…


another very pleasant sight this morning after two days absence at the allotment were the cauliflower shoots….pretty pleased considering I’ve never grown any before…I know it’s a long way yet but can’t help getting excited….what a difference seven days can make, subhan’Allah…


If only the rain would give us a short break at least and let the sun shine for a few days…….

Salaams y hasta la vista,


The last of the cabbages…

today was the turn of the red ones to go in the ground…in their very own raised bed…



we have all together three raised beds of cabbages….around 35/40 of them!!! …the good thing is they are all at very different stages of growth so hopefully we will not be harvesting them all at once…insh’Allah

Tomorrow, I’m giving cauliflowers another chance…..last year they flopped big time so I can only try..I’ll keep you updated, of course…

Salaams y hasta la vista,
